[LIFE] When You Take the Bull By The Horns?

8/31/2014 09:58:00 AM

Hey, so we are just going to have to get used to the fact that I DO NOT POST REGULARLY. It's not my intention, it just happens. I have been super busy and such - but I thought that the past few days (months even, but ain't no body got any actual time for that) were very bloggable. Blog-worthy.

Now, I know no one really reads this blog anymore (laughs to myself), but if anyone were to take a gander I do want people to stay inspired. This blog since it's birth has been about, well it's been about me - but in the likes of that it has been about my evolution from being too shy to take a stand, or too worried about letting myself be me - which is why this blog was supposed to be my emancipation. Then at 20/21 I decided this was going to be a recollection of Extraordinary moments in my new emancipated life. So here we go -

Well, I will let you in on a not-so-secret secret.  When you want something you should get it. If you want to be somewhere in X amount of time, you should positively seek it out. If you know you are good at something, you should find ways make that your calling - and let people know that THIS is what you're good at and they will hire you. Key to this is :
  1. Confidence
  2. Knowledge
  3. Determination
  4. Attitude
Confidence and Attitude may be mistaken as the same thing, but they most definitely are not. Confidence is fine, but if your attitude is not the best then - why on earth would any body on this planet want to hang out with you? Besides me of course, cause I have made friends with one or two miserable souls - with great intentions and they're really fantastic people...haha. Not everyone will give you the time to redeem yourself though.

Positive outlooks = Positive results.
That is the big fat secret - that wasn't so secret at all.

There are people who really don't believe in themselves though, I really had to show someone that its not as corny as it sounds! Just see yourself doing that thing. Do not think about all the reasons why it cannot happen - just think about what matters to you. To give you a hint - what matters to you is how you will get there and overcome all those annoying hurdles.Yes, there are times when you can be "over it", obviously because you're a human being, but don't let that attitude get in the way of what you want.

Moral of the story is:
This thing you want? It is actually right there. If you wholeheartedly believe in what you are doing and what you are and what you can accomplish. You'll be alright.

Peace & Love everyone!

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