"STARTED FROM BOTTOM - haha, I am just kidding I hate that song.."

2/24/2013 11:39:00 PM


Okay, I am back trying to be on this blog again. I have fixed it up to make it reflect who I am NOW.
I mean, I started this blog in 2008 or something, and didn't change much until now. All I changed was the font and the banner (once)... This time, though it may seem as though I just changed up a few minor things. However... I fiddled around with a whole bunch of shit, to the point where - I am not even sure if it was fruitless or not..


Anyway, enough about the boring re-vamp nonsense. I mean, the only troubling thing is that I have changed my URL. Thus, everyone who had me on their blog as a link ...will have the wrong damn blog. So.. I probably should have thought that out. I was just so excited I didn't even think about it. You know? So, that is why I said "Started From The Bottom"..haha.

I used to blog from everywhere, the Library. The House. The bus. So I am going to try and do that again, mind you it is a little difficult cause Blackberry's browser is on some NEXT SHIT completely. Which brings me to how I want to operate this blog now that I am a YOUNG ADULT now. I will try my best to uh  - not swear as much. You know, this blog is a reflection of me and who I am outside of a professional setting so I will work on not swearing as much as I used to. Maybe this blog will become a lot more presentable that way. I will attempt to use other words in the dictionary and thesaurus in order to express myself.

My hair about a year ago in braids.

In other news.
My hair is .... in need of some serious TLC.
I am talking about a trim, deep condition and cuddle. I have gone through a lot man. Braids. A hair cut. Haircut growing out and getting tangled. Twists and now it is in a fro again.
My haircut after I deep conditioned and trimmed it. Uncle Funky's is a pretty sweet product. (April '12)
My twists done in November '12
I have not really tried out any new products. I am really really low on cash - I know I used to complain about not having a job and needing cash before, but NOW? Now it is worse cause I got bills and debts and shit to pay...and my last pay-cheque was 26 bucks. Thus, THE STRUGGLE IS REAL FOLKS. I have just been using the Organic Root Stimulator Olive Oil Hair Lotion with Shea Butter. It is not working the best for me, but its what I can afford right now - sadly.

me now...

So, that is all I have to say right now.
I will try and be on this at 2-3 times a week if not every day.
I will talk to you all later!

Catch me on these other sites for more updates!
TUMBLR: www.ouijevis.tumblr.com
TWITTER; www.twitter.com/ouijevis
INSTAGRAM: sharzonthis
YOUTUBE: ohemgeethatisjokes OR NicoleVism


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